Canvas Model

 In this opportunity I will talk about a topic I consider very interesting, mostly because more than a skill, it is a tool that I can use for my future, and it is a tool that could possibly help me and save me from inconvenient moments in a future business when presenting my company to potential investors. I am talking about the famous canvas model, this is a kind-off presentation design for company owners. This canvas model is a tool for presenting the structure of a business, talking about diverse aspects of the company. I will try to explain as resumed as possible the areas that this canvas model explains.

 The first one is the key partners, this refers to the main external partners for your company. The key activities refer to the necessary activities for your business to work. The Key resources refers to the main products your company will need to make business. The value propositions refer to what are you offering to your clients or how you will solve their problem or necessity. The customer relationships refer to what type of relation or communication you will keep with your clients. The channels refers to how you will distribute your products or services to your clients. The customer segments refer to who your business is focused on (mothers, children, etc.). The cost structure refers to what are the costs implied in your business. And at last the revenue streams which refer to how your company plans to finance itself and obtain profits. All this areas are supposed to be explained to someone out of your company but it could be also useful for employees, for them to have a bigger perspective of what they should have in mind for the business.
