Democratic, and “Laissez-Faire” leaders.

 This week I learned about the types of leadership that can be seen in history and even nowadays.

In my last blog I talked about autocratic leaders, a very interesting topic, in this time I will be talking about the other two types of leadership we saw, democratic and laizzes-faire.

First I will talk about the most basic one, laizzes-faire, in french it means to “let it happen, let it be”, this refers to the total omision of rules and even leadership, everybody can do what they want or consider should do, basically this type of leadership shines for the lack of leadership, and there is no more science in it.

The other, and most important type of leadership ( in my opinion)  is the democratic leader, which comes from democracy, which is the most used type of government nowadays. This leader shines because his decisions aren’t arbitrarily made, there is an order, and it’s done what the majority wants, not just him, or not just letting it be. 

Most of the times a democratic leader is democratically chosen, for example a senator, a president, a prime minister, etc. Which gives him even more responsibilities, as a chosen leader he has to show why he was chosen, it’s his duty to accomplish all the promises he said when he was just a candidate, because if he doesn’t (just in some parts of the world, and hopefully in the future everywhere) the society can put him out just as they put him in. A clear example of this type of leaderships are the republics, federations, and constitutional monarchies.
