Management Process
This time I will talk about a topic that impressed me, and that changed my perspective of a business itself. This topic made me realize that for a company to be a real business it is needed a great management process, and that is exactly the topic I am talking about. There are four basic functions of management, planning, organizing, leading and controlling. I will try to explain these in the point of view of a small food business.
The first step is the planning in which this company should establish organizational goals and create a course of action to achieve them. In this case the food business must think about what things it should consider before starting the business or maybe launching a new food. The second step is organizing, in which the company must distribute the actual resources and delegate tasks to the employees to achieve the goals stablished in the planning stage.
In this case the food business should consider which person will be encharged of observing the development of the tasks and goals. The third step is the leading, which consists in motivating the personnel to achieve the organizational goals. In this part the business must think how it will encourage the employees to prepare and sell better and faster. The last part is controlling which consists in evaluating the execution of the plans and make adjustments to ensure the goal is achieved. In this last case the company should analyze and evaluate if the food they made was a success or not, and trying to improve it until it is better.
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